
Produced with Steve Rushton

Depart From Zero
Can code create a true mirror of the world?

The notion of ‘feedback’ is all pervasive in contemporary culture -- a technical and behavioral mechanism which today works in all levels of the media, from reality TV shows, to the construction and broadcast of a news event, to everyday e-mail exchanges and social networking activity. The term was popularized via the Macy conferences on Cybernetics (1946-1953). It was at these conferences where the application of the paradigm of cybernetics (the science of feedback) was first instituted across a number of scientific disciplines (behavioral psychology, evolutionary theory, anthropology, communications theory, modern [war] games theory to name a few).

Written and performed by Steve Rushton with the visual aid of Ray & Charles Eames’ ‘A Communications Primer’ (1953). Recorded on location in the Commander's Room, Park Avenue Armory and produced by Dexter Sinister for True Mirror, 2008. Released in two versions -- via YouTube here (lo-signal, high-noise) and via on-location screening (hi-signal, lo-noise), 20 March 2008.

Posted 20 March 2008 19:26:51


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